Speaker Bio
Kristin A. Sherry is a bestselling and award-winning author, globally recognized career expert, and creator of the YouMap® profile which won a 2020 Career Innovator Award from Career Directors International.
She is a speaker, trainer, and author of international bestseller, YouMap, and a 2020 Pencraft award-winner in business books for Your Team Loves Mondays…Right? She is the managing partner of YouMap LLC, which certifies coaches, career services and HR professionals as YouMap® coaches and facilitators.
Kristin has been a guest on Wharton Business Radio and a DisruptHR speaker. She has contributed to Entrepreneur Magazine, Inc.com and is a contributor to the 2020 Career Industry Trends white paper on the future of careers by the global think tank, Career Thought Leaders.
Her second children’s book, You’ve Got Values!, releases March 11, 2021 and self-development book, Maximize 365, released February 2021.
Kristin lives in North Carolina with her husband Xander and their children.
Author’s Book